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0 Beds / 0 Baths / 2268 sq ftWilliamsport
Beds / 0 Baths / sq ftDubois
2 Beds / 3 Baths / 986 sq ftIndiana
3 Beds / 1 Baths / 834 sq ftSomerset
3 Beds / 2 Baths / 1790 sq ftORBISONIA
3 Beds / 3 Baths / 2277 sq ftBELLEFONTE
2 Beds / 2 Baths / 1116 sq ftSTATE COLLEGE
3 Beds / 1 Baths / 2064 sq ftSPRING MILLS
4 Beds / 3 Baths / 3284 sq ftLock Haven
0 Beds / 0 Baths / 0 sq ftHollidaysburg
4 Beds / 3 Baths / 2464 sq ftPORT MATILDA
1 Beds / 1 Baths / 240 sq ftFlinton
2 Beds / 1 Baths / 1329 sq ftHollidaysburg
3 Beds / 3 Baths / 2264 sq ftSTATE COLLEGE
4 Beds / 4 Baths / 3946 sq ftPORT MATILDA
2 Beds / 0 Baths / 926 sq ftCastanea
3 Beds / 2 Baths / 1866 sq ftBELLEFONTE
3 Beds / 3 Baths / 1652 sq ftBELLEFONTE
3 Beds / 2 Baths / 2536 sq ftMuncy
Beds / 0 Baths / sq ftReynoldsville
3 Beds / 3 Baths / 2983 sq ftHollidaysburg
3 Beds / 2 Baths / 2844 sq ftBELLEVILLE
7 Beds / 2 Baths / 2432 sq ftLock Haven
3 Beds / 1 Baths / 1494 sq ftCogan Station
3 beds, 2 baths | MLS# pahu2023228
3 beds, 2 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76633
2 beds, 2 baths | CottageMLS# pacl2024992
2 beds, 2 baths | MLS# wb-100513
6 beds, 2 baths | See RemarksMLS# ag-76077
0 beds, 2 baths | ********MLS# ag-76578
4 beds, 5 baths | Split LevelMLS# pabr2015408
5 beds, 4 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76935
2 beds, 2 baths | OtherMLS# pamf2051858
3 beds, 3 baths | See RemarksMLS# ag-76715
3 beds, 1 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76562
0 beds, 0 baths | Cape CodMLS# wb-99179
0 beds, 0 baths | Cape CodMLS# wb-99178
4 beds, 5 baths | Cape CodMLS# ag-76517
4 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2511930
4 beds, 4 baths | Traditional,ColonialMLS# pace2513938
3 beds, 2 baths | OtherMLS# pace2513246
4 beds, 4 baths | Traditional,ContemporaryMLS# pace2512914
3 beds, 1 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76886
3 beds, 2 baths | ContemporaryMLS# pace2513974
4 beds, 4 baths | Cape CodMLS# ag-76850
3 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2512716
4 beds, 2 baths | Ranch/RamblerMLS# pace2513854
4 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513742
3 beds, 2 baths | Ranch/RamblerMLS# pace2513676
1 beds, 3 baths | ChaletMLS# pacd2044406
beds, 0 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513572
4 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513858
3 beds, 2 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513746
4 beds, 4 baths | Ranch/RamblerMLS# pace2513784
5 beds, 1 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76772
3 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513876
4 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2512762
3 beds, 2 baths | CraftsmanMLS# pace2512138
3 beds, 2 baths | Cape CodMLS# pacl2025096
3 beds, 2 baths | Cape CodMLS# wb-101056
4 beds, 2 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76870
4 beds, 3 baths | Ranch/RamblerMLS# pace2513916
3 beds, 3 baths | MLS# wb-101114
4 beds, 2 baths | FarmhouseMLS# wb-101012
2 beds, 4 baths | OtherMLS# pace2513714
3 beds, 2 baths | Ranch/RamblerMLS# pace2513880
3 beds, 1 baths | MLS# wb-100979
3 beds, 2 baths | Ranch/RamblerMLS# pace2512654
3 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513176
2 beds, 2 baths | Ranch/SingleMLS# wb-101123
3 beds, 4 baths | OtherMLS# pace2513786
3 beds, 2 baths | Cape CodMLS# pace2511684
3 beds, 3 baths | TraditionalMLS# pace2513616
3 beds, 2 baths | Cape CodMLS# wb-99923
4 beds, 3 baths | MLS# wb-100524
2 beds, 1 baths | Ranch/SingleMLS# wb-100490
3 beds, 3 baths | MLS# wb-101078
3 beds, 2 baths | MLS# wb-101110
3 beds, 1 baths | MLS# wb-101121
4 beds, 2 baths | Cape CodMLS# ag-76889
2 beds, 2 baths | ModularMLS# ag-74803
1 beds, 2 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76693
5 beds, 4 baths | MLS# wb-100297
4 beds, 5 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76598
2 beds, 2 baths | MLS# wb-101005
3 beds, 2 baths | RanchMLS# ag-76695
3 beds, 2 baths | MLS# wb-101090
4 beds, 5 baths | MLS# wb-100570
4 beds, 2 baths | MLS# wb-100951
3 beds, 1 baths | TraditionalMLS# ag-76321
3 beds, 2 baths | Farmhouse/National FolkMLS# pamf2051898
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