Bellefonte School District

Bellefonte School District Listings

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Bellefonte Area School District is a mid-sized public district located in the south-eastern portion of Centre County. The Mission of Bellefonte Area School District is “Inspiring and Preparing Today’s Learners to Embrace Tomorrow’s Challenges.”

Bellefonte Area comprises four elementary schools (Bellefonte, Benner, Marion-Walker, and Pleasant Gap), one middle school, and one high school. A BASD student is known as a “Red Raider,” and this is their mascot. Their school colors are red and white. The district draws students from the surrounding towns of Bellefonte, Howard, Pleasant Gap, Zion, and Centre Hall.

The school district is happy to be part of the revitalized Bellefonte community, which is easily accessible from I-80 and I-99, close to 12 miles northeast of State College. The small town atmosphere, historic sights and Victorian architecture bring together the beauty that is Bellefonte. 

Bellefonte is the geographical center of the commonwealth, and is the county seat of Centre County. The “Big Spring,” a defining element of Bellefonte, is a natural spring that played a large part in the naming of the town. It produces over 11 million gallons of water per day. Bellefonte, which means “beautiful fountain” in French, still today uses the spring for all of its water supply.

Bellefonte School District Schools

Bellefonte El School

Grades K-5

GreatSchoolsScore of 4

Bellefonte Area Middle School

Grades 6-8

GreatSchoolsScore of 6

Bellefonte Area High School

Grades 9-12

GreatSchoolsScore of 5

Benner El School

Grades K-5

GreatSchoolsScore of 8

Marion-Walker El School

Grades K-5

GreatSchoolsScore of 7

Pleasant Gap El School

Grades K-5

GreatSchoolsScore of 6

Wingate El School

Grades K-5

GreatSchoolsScore of 5

Bald Eagle Area Junior-Senior High School

Grades 6-12

GreatSchoolsScore of 7

Central Pa Institute Of Science & Technology

Grades 9-12


Hubler Ridge School

Grades 1-8


Bellefonte School District Townships


Bellefonte Borough

236 W. Lamb St., Bellefonte PA 16823
Population: 6308
Sq Miles: 2
People per Sq Mile: 3154

Benner Township

1224 Buffalo Run Rd., Bellefonte PA 16823
Population: 9309
Sq Miles: 29
People per Sq Mile: 326

Marion Township

4337 Jacksonville Rd., Howard, PA 16841
Population: 1264
Sq Miles: 22
People per Sq Mile: 58

Spring Township

1309 Blanchard St., Bellefonte PA 16823
Population: 7853
Sq Miles: 50
People per Sq Mile: 157

Walker Township

816 Nittany Valley Dr., Bellefonte PA 16823
Population: 4721
Sq Miles: 44
People per Sq Mile: 107


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